
Terms & Conditions


The purpose of these General Conditions is to regulate the conditions of use and utilisation of the Internet portal located at the address campingelcarespicosdeeuropa.com and owned by Carlos Infante Payá N.I.F.: 25721539-H with registered address at Camino del Rejo S/N, Santa Marina de Valdeón in Posada de Valdeón C.P.24915.

The aforementioned web page has been created and designed to make known and allow access to the information contained therein, with the restrictions and limitations imposed by these General Conditions, as well as to allow and enable access to other pages with which the Portal has commercial, professional or any other type of relationship.

The mere use of the portal confers on those who make use of it, the condition of User, who declares to know and accept without reservation or exception, each and every one of the General Conditions set out in this document.

The company that owns the website is authorised to unilaterally modify each and every one of the obligations set out in these General Conditions, without prior notice.

It is also entitled to restructure, modify or delete any information, service or content included in the Portal, without prior notice.

The modification of any of these general terms and conditions for a particular case shall only be valid when it has been made in writing and signed by the legal representatives of each party.


2.1- Conditions of Access and Use

Through the address located at campingelcarespicosdeeuropa.com any user can access the information contained in the aforementioned website free of charge.

The conditions of access to the Portal are subject to the legal provisions in force at all times as well as to the principles of good faith and lawful use by the User, expressly and strictly prohibiting any type of action that could be detrimental to the Portal or third parties.

The Owner reserves the right to modify the commercial offer presented on the website (changes to accommodation, services, prices, promotions and other commercial and service conditions) at any time.

The Owner makes every effort within its means to provide the information contained on the website truthfully and without typographical errors. In the event of any error of this type occurring at any time, at all times beyond the control of The Owner, it will be corrected immediately. De existir un error tipográfico en alguno de los precios mostrados y algún cliente hubiera tomado una decisión de compra basada en dicho error, El Propietario le comunicará al cliente dicho error y podrá cancelar su compra sin ningún coste por su parte.

The contents of the website may, from time to time, display provisional information about certain services. In the event that the information provided does not correspond to the characteristics of the service, the client will have the right to cancel the reservation or accommodation without any cost on his part.

2.2- Content and User Actions

The User agrees to make a lawful, diligent, honest and correct use of any information or content accessed either through the website campingelcarespicosdeeuropa.com or third parties previously provided by campingelcarespicosdeeuropa.com and all under the principles of good faith and with respect at all times to the law.

The User shall refrain from obtaining, except for personal use, any information (information being understood as any message, sound files, photographs, drawings, software and in general any kind or type of computer file, graphic file, etc.) that is the property of the Portal.

Likewise, the User undertakes not to maliciously or intentionally cause damage or harm that may undermine or alter the Portal itself, and not to introduce or disseminate so-called “computer viruses” that may cause unauthorised alterations to the contents or systems comprising the Portal.

The commitment is to be governed by the use of content in accordance with the provisions of the law, morality and public order, not copy, reproduce, distribute, transfer, transform or modify the contents without the prior written consent of campingelcarespicosdeeuropa.com or person delegated by this.

2.3- Payments to campingelcarespicosdeeuropa.com

When making a reservation, the customer can pay for the required accommodation or service by credit card. In certain cases and in order to prevent possible fraud, The Owner reserves the right to ask a customer for a specific form of payment in the event that the identity of the purchaser is not reliably proven.


campingelcarespicosdeeuropa.com is fully aware of the use and treatment that should be given to personal data and under the existing legal regulations in this regard, has implemented within its organisation a system to preserve the security, integrity and confidentiality of data considered as personal. To this end, in addition to fully complying with each and every one of the requirements set out in Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data, it guarantees not only legal but also fair use of personal data, as well as an adequate system for exercising the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition set out in the aforementioned Organic Law.

The contracting by Users of the services provided on this website shall imply their express consent to the use, processing and transfer of data to all entities that directly or indirectly have professional relations for the provision of said service or to the companies of the GROUP that may be formed in due course.

campingelcarespicosdeeuropa.com will store all the personal data of its Users in an automated file whose purpose is the management, control, prevention and maintenance of the service to be provided. This file complies with all the requirements and guarantees laid down in the Data Protection regulations. campingelcarespicosdeeuropa.com collect only and exclusively the personal data of users, being these at all times adequate, relevant and not excessive.

Users authorise campingelcarespicosdeeuropa.com to automatically process their personal data, informing them that they may contact the Registration Department of campingelcarespicosdeeuropa.com to exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition at the address indicated for this purpose.

campingelcarespicosdeeuropa.com is committed to the fulfilment of its obligation of custody, confidentiality and privacy of the transmitted data.

campingelcarespicosdeeuropa.com acquires the commitment to adopt the security measures imposed by the Data Protection Law at the corresponding level as well as to adopt the necessary measures to avoid its alteration, loss or unauthorised access, taking into account at all times the state of technology.

In accordance with the provisions of the privacy policy campingelcarespicosdeeuropa.com, it is noted that any person may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and, where appropriate, opposition by sending an email to the address info@campingelcarespicosdeeuropa.com.


These General Conditions are subject to Spanish law, which shall be applicable in relation to their validity, interpretation, execution and fulfilment. All discrepancies, claims and disputes in respect of the above shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the Civil and Commercial Court of Arbitration to whose rules they shall be subject. The award shall be made by three arbitrators appointed in accordance with these rules. If the arbitration does not take place by mutual agreement or is declared null and void, both parties submit to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Gijón, expressly waiving their own jurisdiction, if any other. The User declares that he/she has read, knows and accepts these General Conditions in their entirety.