
Tips on how to get the holiday of your dreams.

Do you want to go camping with your dog and have no problems?

More and more people, nature lovers, are deciding to go camping with your dog and do outdoor activities and routes. If you are one of them, make it a great experience for you and your pet with these TIPS.

What to consider before travelling with your dog?

A mountain campsite, the ideal destination for the four-legged adventurer.

What makes a campsite a paradise for dogs?

Breathing fresh air, exploring new routes and immersing yourself in nature are just some of the advantages of travelling to the Picos de Europa National Park. But for your holiday to be complete, you can’t leave behind your partner on the road…

Mountain camping, a dog’s paradise.

Independence, freedom and accessibility to a multitude of routes are the characteristics that camping el Cares offers you to make your experience unforgettable.

But even if the destination is the most appropriate for your dream holiday, you should pay attention to certain details that will ensure that your holiday is not jeopardised and that going camping with your dog is a beautiful memory.

achieving harmonious coexistence

Campsites are the ideal places to stay with pets, but it is important to know the rules of coexistence and to respect them. Some of the most basic are:

always keep your pet on a leash and muzzle if necessary. Be aware that some people are afraid of animals.

make sure that they do their droppings outside the campsite, and always pick them up.

brush them outside the campsite and collect the hairs in a bag. Hairs fly easily.

only have them in permitted areas.

if your dog does not feel safe when alone, try not to leave him alone. Most of them are likely to engage in undesirable behaviour such as barking, scratching or breaking something nearby.

If you are respectful of the rules when camping with your dog, everything will be much better.

Your pet always on a leash

what I need to be comfortable

choosing a good tent site

Sometimes factors such as climate, terrain or other environmental elements can affect the well-being of our furry companion.

Choosing a suitable camping site, where we take care that the climatic effects are not too aggressive, is essential to improve the animal’s stay.

Your dog will appreciate being in places that are a little out of the way and not too busy.

the must-haves for camping with your dog

It is important not to forget your personal belongings:

to be relaxed during the day we can use a cooling mat. It allows the regulation of body temperature during hot days.

to keep them warm at night we can use a thermal blanket, which absorbs body heat and returns it to the animal. And if it is a dog with little hair and/or little body fat, a pair of pyjamas will not be superfluous. Don’t forget that in the mountains the temperatures tend to drop and it gets cold.

the essentials such as a portable feeder and drinker. There are many good options on the market today.

A long leash of about 10 metres will allow you some freedom both in the field and on the trail.

Your dog’s brush, your dog will appreciate it if you spend a little time stroking him and giving him affection. On the other hand, there will be less hair in your car or tent.

some of their toys. If he ever has to be left alone, it will entertain him and give him confidence.

what to carry in the canine first aid kit?

It is important to be prepared when we go into the wild, especially as we will not have a vet nearby. Here is a list of the essentials.

neutral soap for washing wounds.

iodine solution

physiological saline solution for eyewash.




adhesive tape.

small scissors for cutting bandages.

chip removal pliers

tick tweezers

thermometer (normal temperature, rectally, is between 38 and 39 degrees Celsius, except in puppies, which may be a few tenths of a degree higher).

Before leaving on your trip, it is a good idea to check with your vet to see if it is advisable to have a deworming treatment, a vaccination or any other extra advice…

we’re going on an adventure! how to choose a good route for my dog?

One of the most fun and exciting moments when we are camping is undoubtedly when we go on the road with our dog. Around the Cares campsite there is a wide range of paths and trails, so as not to get bored for many days. Some of them are part of the self-interpreted routes that the campsite has prepared together with a group of specialists in the field. Others are the famous PRs. or short-distance routes that the Picos de Europa National Park has signposted with white and yellow markings.
Please note that dogs are not allowed to run loose in the National Park. So make sure you have a short leash and a longer leash.

The Cares Route with dogs

There are actually many other routes in the Picos de Europa National Park that are much more suitable for dogs. And although dogs are allowed on the Cares route, as on the other routes through the National Park, they must be leashed.

In this link you have the description and some recommendations to do the Cares Route.

The campsite reception can provide you with all the information you need.
But before we set off we should make sure we have some information about the route in mind:

choose a route appropriate to the breed, age and physical condition of the animal.

find out about the duration and difficulty of the activity.

avoid rocky surfaces or surfaces that reach high temperatures, which could damage the animal’s pads.

it is important to have all his vaccinations up to date and to make sure he is wearing an up-to-date deworming collar, especially if you are passing through areas of bracken or tall grass.

avoid heat stroke, take breaks in the shade and cool the nose and pads, areas where dogs perspire and remove excess temperature.

what to pack in my dog’s backpack?

Taking a few minutes to plan what you might need en route is vitally important.

Planning the route

don’t forget to bring enough food for your dog if the route is long or you are away for the night.

carry enough fresh water. In Picos de Europa there are springs that are marked on the maps, but in certain summer months you can find them dry.

avoid food during physical activity. Allow a minimum of 30 minutes between meals and the start and end of exercise.

it can be very useful to carry the canine first aid kit. We can add the pad ointment to soothe irritation if the route is long or if the terrain is chalky and abrasive.

It is always much better to take precautions and not expose them to the limestone at the altitudes of the Picos de Europa, especially when we have much more pleasant forest routes available to them. However, if you do decide to do a route on abrasive terrain, there are dog boots that will protect your dog’s pads.

Common problems and how to solve them, important if you go camping with your dog

All of us who have decided to adopt a dog as a pet have at some point been confronted with unwanted behaviour, which sometimes becomes routine and therefore a real headache.

Excessive pulling when we go for a walk, excessive and annoying barking or breaking objects and causing unexpected damage… these are some of the behaviours that sometimes make us uncomfortable when we go on holiday with our dog.

Learning to identify your pet’s moods, clarifying the hierarchy of the “herd” (family) and establishing appropriate communication are the essential pillars on which its behavioural health will be based, helping our beloved pet to feel more secure and balanced.

Exemplary canine event, not only will you be able to go camping with your dog…

From Camping el Cares we are preparing an event that you will love, it is about getting to know your adventure partner a little better, as well as learning guidelines that can solve many of these problems.

If you are interested, write to us and we will let you know when we have new dates.

Keys to training, know your dog.