
Nature Interpretation in Picos de Europa, ECO Circuit

Get to know the environment in a different way, ECO circuit.

If you look around you will see a river with its calm course. Trees full of colour, different from each other. From these trees come a thousand sounds that tell us that our little friends are there. A footprint, a leaf, a flower… are elements that fill us with calm and make us breathe. the interpretation of nature begins with observation.

These elements are there, we see them, we perceive them, but how much do we know about them?

Nature charges us with positive energy, taking us away from the frenetic pace and digital screens of our daily lives.

We have been working on a leisure alternative, which will entice children and their families to immerse themselves together in the discovery of the natural world.

We would like you to get to know our eco-circuit. For several hours, we will carry out various activities in order to learn more about the environment that surrounds us. We will enjoy it and acquire a series of knowledge that will lead us to grow and change our vision of the environment.

From El Cares campsite we want to offer you this unique opportunity for the whole family not only to get to know a place, but also to have fun and learn more about the interpretation of nature.

What is about

In the eco-circuit we will start either with a small workshop to familiarise the little ones with basic identification concepts, or with some games. This knowledge will be put to good use on the subsequent route around the campsite.

On this route we will see different ecosystems. So we can learn a lot of facts about flora and fauna by seeing them on the ground.

The composition of the forest, the trails that the most elusive animals leave in their wake, the handling of a map, or how to find the north… will be some of the things we will see in this activity.

We will end up with the feeling of knowing the environment much better. You will feel in total sync with the environment!

When we return to the campsite we will have a nature ginkana. In this way we will begin to learn and consolidate our knowledge of the natural environment.

In short, it is a journey in which you can learn from the sensations produced by contact with the environment, surrounded by like-minded people with whom you will treasure this journey into the most unknown nature.

If you wish to know more about nature with children, we recommend the Wildkids website. You can buy a copy of “Routes with children Picos de Europa” in our physical shop at the campsite.

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If you are interested in the activities that you can do at the Cares campsite